Transmissions Expanded
Companion website and Symposium around Lisa Jackson’s Transmissions
Created by Door Number 3 Productions in collaboration with Dr. Kate Hennessy and Dr. Karrmen Crey
Simon Fraser University, Woodwards Cultural Programs.
Produced by Lisa Jackson and Lori Lozinski.
Transmissions Expanded is an online portal to educational materials related to Lisa Jackson’s Transmissions art installation: an opportunity to dig deeper into the languages, the revitalization efforts and the cross-disciplinary thinking that animates the artwork. Transmissions Expanded gives a glimpse into what the Elders mean when they say “the culture is in the language.”
Transmissions Expanded also includes documentation of The Roots of Meaning: A Symposium on Lisa Jackson’s Transmissions, which took place on Sept. 20th, 2019 at the World Art Centre, Simon Fraser University, Woodwards, organized by Dr. Kate Hennessy and Dr. Karrmen Crey.
Transmissions Expanded also included an educational learning space installation to support further learning about the languages, histories, and ideas raised in Transmissions (see photos below).
Transmissions Expanded was created by Door Number 3 Productions, in collaboration with Dr. Kate Hennessy and Dr. Karrmen Crey at Simon Fraser University, and produced by Lisa Jackson and Lori Lozinski.
Funding was provided by Simon Fraser University’s Aboriginal Strategic Initiative, the Simon Fraser University Faculty of Communication, Art, and Technology; and McMaster University’s Socrates Project. The website was designed by RXVP and Jay Tseng. The trailer was edited by Lucius Dechausay.